Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mason in 2 Months Old!!!!! :)

Mason you are two months old! You have experinced so many new things in the last month. You now cooo and say "aagoo" a lot. When you do, Daddy and I always stop what we are doing to chit chat back with you. You smile at us all the time and we can see the excitement in your body language when we play. This last week was the hardest week of my life as I had to leave you and go back to work, but we did awesome. I'm sure you were wondering where I was. Everyday after I got out of work I was like a speed demon trying to get home to you.You are still getting nothing but breastmilk (which I'm pretty proud of) I work with an awesome group of people that make it so easy for me to pump as needed. Daddy has ajusted to taking you to Granny's everyday. He now goes over almost everyday at lunch to eat with you since your so close to his work. He says you talk to him all the way to Mcallen. Tuesday was the first night you slept through the night. I put you down after your bath at 11:30pm then I woke up with my alarm at 6 am and freaked out. I pulled you out of the pack N play to make sure you were ok. You woke up smiled at me then realized how hungry you were. You did that all week but for some reason as soon as Friday night came along you woke up at 4:30 for a bottle and 5:30 on Saturday for a bottle. I can't complain though because you always just take your bottle and then go back to sleep.
Things you love: your hands, taking baths, your learning catapillar, Mommy and Daddy's silly faces and babytalk..
Things you don't like: getting out of the bath tub and being put in your car seat.
Mason you are our everything. We love you so much and can't wait to see the new things you will do next month.


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